EUFOREA Announces October Hybrid Workshop on Priming & Prevention of Asthma
In this episode of EUFOREA TV Breaking News, EUFOREA is pleased to announce the launch of a hybrid event, “Early priming of asthma and respiratory allergies – future aspects of prevention” that will be taking place virtually on 8-9 October 2021 with faculty present in Berlin. Asthma is the most prevalent chronic disease and if it begins in childhood, it typically continues into adulthood. Therefore it is essential that the prevention of Asthma and Allergies are highlighted early in life.
Together with Professor Phillippe Eigenmann, Head of Paediatric Allergy, University Hospitals Geneva, Switzerland, the Secretary of the EAACI Foundation and Professor Susanne Lau, Deputy Head, Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, immunology and Critical Care, Charite Medical University, Berlin, Germany, you will find out more details about the program and the aims of this Workshop.
This event is very important for different Stakeholders as an opportunity to learn more about the latest studies and research, and to join in a panel discussion on practical measures to improve patient outcomes. This event will be open access, so we are expecting a very large and interested audience from around the world.