Update on Biologicals for Severe Asthma

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EUFOREA 'Update on Biologicals for Severe Asthma' Masterclass

Join us for an interactive virtual masterclass on novel insights into personalized treatment options for patients with severe asthma, chaired by Prof. Zuzana Diamant (The Netherlands), featured prominent experts across Europe and is an open-access educational product offered by EUFOREA.

Why attend?

This webinar is positioned for CME accreditation.

The format is concise, clinically relevant and interactive and aims to:

  • inspire healthcare professionals with recent updates on biologic treatment options for severe asthma and comorbid conditions,
  • update theoretical knowledge on underlying mechanisms and pathways and the use of point-of-care biomarkers for transference into tailored targeted treatment options,
  • provide healthcare professionals with practicalities by using case studies and live interaction,
  • familiarise with practical approaches to innovative treatment options for asthma and commonly related conditions in adults and children.


On-Demand is now available! Click the button below to access the On-Demand on our Exchange Platform. New user? Users should use Registration Code EUFOREA2022. If you are an existing user, please use the email address and password that you used to register your account.


Once completing your On-Demand session, please take the survey by clicking on the survey link presented at the bottom of the on-demand page, to receive by email your personalized downloadable CME certificate.


  1. Inflammatory pathways and mechanisms underlying severe asthma (including biomarkers and treatment targets),
  2. Update on biological treatments for Severe Asthma,
  3. Biologic options for children with (more) severe asthma plus minus comorbid disease: which, when, for whom.


Being the chair of a great asthma expert panel, I enjoy the privilege to deliver the latest updates in a clinically relevant format to our audience. With your valued interaction we all make EUFOREA topical master classes a unique learning experience.

Prof. Zuzana Diamant (The Netherlands)

Attending the masterclasses of EUFOREA is very inspiring and challenging. It is necessary to be "up-to-date" in all the relevant topics in the field of allergology and respiratory medicine. One of the most interesting and developing areas is the treatment of biologics. Besides active participation, I can learn a lot and also see the view of other specialities and experts. Therefore the EUFOREA Masterclass on BIologicals in Severe asthma completely fulfilled all my expectations.

Prof. Milos Jesenak (Slovakia)

It has been a great experience to participate in this Masterclass on Severe Asthma. The planning and delivery of the seminar went smoothly, the format and technical support were fantastic, the session was a great learning experience, and the discussion was insightful and very well led by the chair.

Prof. Santiago Quirce (Spain)

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